*** Where the weighing specifications of this instrument are deemed suitable for the application, this instrument (when verified) CAN be used for pre-packing and/or compliance testing AND for trading direct with the public (e.g. face to face, over the counter adhoc weighing transactions).
NMI Approval S848
Indicator for Basic Industrial Applications
Designed with affordability in mind for basic industrial applications, the Defender 3000 indicator combines a large multicolor backlit LCD display with bi-directional RS232. The Defender 3000 indicator also features software for Weighing, Parts Counting, Checkweighing and Totalization.
Unique Features:
• Results are clearly shown using the large, bright backlit LCD display. In Checkweighing mode display changes color (yellow/green/red) to alert when within the target weight range.
• Features software for Parts Counting, Checkweighing and Totalization. Includes RS232 with optional USB Device or Ethernet for printing or data connectivity.
• i-D33P indicator features a durable ABS housing and powder coated steel mounting bracket.; i-D33XW indicator features a IP66 stainless steel housing and mounting bracket. Display resolution up to 1:30,000; OIML approved resolution to 1:10,000.
Data Sheet
Instruction Manual